Frequently Asked Questions

Classes are for primary school children. We have had success with 3 and 4 year olds!

Our classes will be conducted via Zoom.  Five dollars per class for each child will be refunded for the remaining face to face lessons. Caregivers will be given a list of food items and utensils to be used ahead of class.

Yes, on request we can do an Indian cooking master class for adults or at parties for up to 10 people.  Price is ### a person including food for a main course and demonstration

250.00 per child including food and equipment for 75minutes .  Note”  you may be requested to bring a  utensil or crockery for certain classes.

We are working on this!  At this moment we don’t but please register if you are interested.

If your child is particularly upset the first time, we welcome you to come and “settle” them.  However….we believe that the process of being on their own instills independence and ultimately confidence in the child. We have an initial one to one with yourself, your child and aunty sha where we can discuss the particulary needs of your child.

A delightful “surprise” presentation as part of a graduation ceremony for the children.A representative from our Board of Directors will present a graduation individual  book to each child.  We will let you know the date well before hand!