About classes

Cook with Aunty Sha is a hands-on course consisting Ten Cooking Classes located in the northern suburbs, Wellington, NZ. Each class has eight children which enables Aunty Sha to give individual attention and encourage team work.

The course of ten classes has a fee of $300 inc GST.  This fee includes food and most equipment.   

We start the course with a complimentary, no obligation CONNECT conversation.  This is a three way face to face session between myself (Aunty Sha), your child and parent/caregiver.   It’s an opportunity to connect…. and for Aunty Sha to understand each child’s unique personality and health and safety needs such as allergies. This conversation helps me give customised attention to each child during class.   

✎.  We end the course with a graduation ceremony.  Our ceremony rewards and recognizes each child for their efforts and achievements and also gives each child an opportunity to “present” a dish to caregivers in their own unique, creative way!  This consolidates the confidence nurtured throughout our ten classes. 

✎. We expose the children to a range of cuisines including French, Indian, Italian and Indonesian and Aotearoa, and incorporate geography and culture!  Pupils will learn to understand flavour, colour and texture balance, nutrition oand hygiene. Our philosophy is to learn through taste and touch.   

Cook with Aunty Sha is compliant with high Health and Safety standard. 

Francis Motta Michelin Star Chef


Not just cooking!

Creative Confident Children


Support and Nurturing


Learning & Enrichment

Hands on!

Real life skills